Maximum city Bombay – lost and found – workshopMaximum city Bombay – lost and found – workshop

Mother India Photography School , in February offers a workshop in Mumbai, inspired by reading the wonderful book Maximum City. Bombay lost and found by Suketu Mehta, renowned writer and journalist, New Yorker by birth and Indian by adoption, a strong and intense story of the city through the stories that intertwine in the streets of the metropolis. Mother India Photography School , in February offers a workshop in Mumbai, inspired by reading the wonderful book Maximum City. Bombay lost and found by Suketu Mehta, renowned writer and journalist, New Yorker by birth and Indian by adoption, a strong and intense story of the city through the stories that intertwine in the streets of the metropolis.

Wine is the poetry of the land

A photography workshop led by photojournalist SHOBHA, “Wine is the poetry of the land,” will be held in Vittoria, Sicily, from 2nd to 8th October 2011. The workshop is born from the special bond between Shobha and the famous Sicilian wine-producing company Planeta, a bond which is based on their shared love for art and nature.

Palazzo Acreide – Festa di San Sebastiano

WORKSHOP REPORTAGE FOTOGRAFICO dall’8 al 12 Agosto 2011 Tematica del Workshop Il workshop oltre che rappresentare un’esperienza didattica e professionale, darà l’occasione ai partecipanti di entrare a contatto con una realtà speciale; Palazzolo Acreide (città Patrimonio dell’Umanità in provincia di Siracusa) e della bellissima festa di San Sebastiano, Santo che nella città ha una grande […]

A thousand years Ravenna

The photo reporting workshop leaded by phographers Giampiero Corelli and Shobha will take place between 11th and 17 of July 2011 in Ravenna town.
It aspires to focus on a photograph exploration through three specific areas of the town and its neighborhood: the dock, the industry suburb; the so called “piallassa”, a huge valley environment…

MOTHER INDIA – Storie di donneMOTHER INDIA – Stories of women

Donne indù, musulmane, cattoliche, immigrate e intoccabili dei villaggi, donne professioniste, moderne turiste in bichini. Goa rappresenta l’india in un piccolo territorio. Tra immigrati che provengono da tutti gli stati dell’india, ognuno con le proprie tradizioni lingue e religioni, ricchi imprenditori indiani e turisti della classe media,Hindu, Muslim, Catholic women, migrated from Karnataca and untouchables of the villages, gentle and mysterious, like goddesses, they fill Goa’s land with colour and poetry. In this strip of India it is the woman who is the great protagonist.
Women are those who get water for their houses from deep wells and carry it on their heads, women are those who organize the fish market, they are little girl mothers who grow up with their children.