A thousand years Ravenna

The photo reporting workshop leaded by phographers Giampiero Corelli and Shobha will take place between 11th and 17 of July 2011 in Ravenna town.
It aspires to focus on a photograph exploration through three specific areas of the town and its neighborhood: the dock, the industry suburb; the so called “piallassa”, a huge valley environment…

Photo reporting workshop in Cambodia with Shobha from 15th to 26ty february 2011

Magnificent adventure that will allow us to share with enthusiasm, once again with a camera, away from our life experiences. We will sail for three days along the banks of Mekgong, hours of navigation we have time to share our work with the computer. We will stop in the villages of Chnokfrue, Kompong Chhnang, Chnok […]

MOTHER INDIA – Storie di donneMOTHER INDIA – Stories of women

Donne indù, musulmane, cattoliche, immigrate e intoccabili dei villaggi, donne professioniste, moderne turiste in bichini. Goa rappresenta l’india in un piccolo territorio. Tra immigrati che provengono da tutti gli stati dell’india, ognuno con le proprie tradizioni lingue e religioni, ricchi imprenditori indiani e turisti della classe media,Hindu, Muslim, Catholic women, migrated from Karnataca and untouchables of the villages, gentle and mysterious, like goddesses, they fill Goa’s land with colour and poetry. In this strip of India it is the woman who is the great protagonist.
Women are those who get water for their houses from deep wells and carry it on their heads, women are those who organize the fish market, they are little girl mothers who grow up with their children.